The following software/applications have been approved by the district for classroom use. In order for students to use some of these programs and services, certain personally identifiable information (PII) must be provided to the website or software application operator. This is generally the student’s name and district-issued email. For those vendors that students sign in, please click on the software/app name to view the company's privacy policy. All vendors that are approved for students sign in have a Data Privacy Agreement in place with the district.
AutoDesk (AutoCAD, Fusion, Inventor & Revit)
Brain Pop Jr. (No Student Sign In)
EB Writing (Teacher Use Only)
iCivics (No Student Sign In)
Laserbox (No Student Sign In)
LEGO Mindstorm App (No Student Sign In)
National Geographic Kids (No Student Sign In)
PBS News Hour (No Student Sign In)
Quizlet (No Student Sign In)
Scholastic: Digital Storyworks
Smithsonian Tween Tribune (No Student Sign In)
XTool Creative Space Platform (No Student Sign In)